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EDS 124A: Teaching Computation in a Digital World

(Coming Soon) The following is an example project for the proposed EDS 124A course.

Pre-Class Assignments

DUE: Tuesday at Noon

This week we are exploring the world-wide sensation “Pokemon Go”, how it became so popular, and why it matters. Before class on Tuesday evening, you must complete the following assignments:

  1. Behind the technology is the psychology, read through this Ted Blog post about the psychology behind Pokemon Go.
  2. Using our Peer Assignment Software (would be embedded in the LMS that we would be using), describe why the personal connection mattered in Pokemon Go’s success, and name one other application that might have a similar effect.
  3. Finally, consider the implications of Augmented Reality on the way virtual games are played, do you think personal connections can be more deeply made through an augmented reality game compared to another format?

In Class Discussion

DUE: Tuesday Evening

During Tuesday’s discussion we will explore the implications of Augmented Reality on making Personal Connections.

Pre-Class Assignments

DUE: Thursday at Noon

Mini-Project: Augmented Reality Teaching Resources

Compile a set of teaching resources that focus on augmented reality applications and games. Submit via our Peer Assignment Software.

In Class Discussion

DUE: Thursday Evening

During Thursday’s discussion we will talk about the five most useful resources that the class found.

Pre-Class Assignments

DUE: Tuesday at Noon

Mini-Project: Augmented Reality Lesson Plan

Edit one of the lesson plans or resources that we found as a class to teach your students about how Augmented Reality enhanced the personal connections made through Pokemon Go.